
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Body Rainbow

Twice last week I experienced an airy lightness at my lowest chakra.  I noticed this as I was walking and it made me feel healthy and clean.  I asked myself what had I been eating and doing to feel so good and, interestingly, there had been nothing specific. As I ask how to describe this lower body sensation I receive:  “Like a hollow reed.”  I usually feel lightness in my head, around my head.  This is different.  And yes, I have experienced this before and wrote about it years ago as Body Rainbow. 

That “red” energetic presence lifted something giving me permission to eat any food I choose…in moderation.  It lifted my struggle and tug of war with food.  Is this possible?  Can this be true long term?  I’m not sure yet.  I will let time inform me.  For now I am appreciating all taste sensations and am enjoying not having to deprive myself which never worked for me.  It’s a new freedom and ground that I am accepting and working with.  And I ask, “Can an old pattern be swept away so easily and quickly?”  And yet, the truth is, my pattern with food cravings has not been easy and quick.  I have been watching and working with this in a conscious way for many years and have let the process unravel itself and as always from the inside out which means no professional help from the outside in.  I’m not yet sure what this means.  All I know is that a new energetic presence is with me; is a part of me….as a new layer of support.
This lightness of red is not the same charge at groin that I experience physically when someone in my environment is running their energy my direction and feeding off me.  This latter sexual charge alerts me about my environment.  It is not a pleasant sensation…it is the feeling of being an object.  Love doesn’t move this way….starting in the South. 
Body Rainbow
Tingling sensation at the top of head
airy, spacious feeling at the groin,
currents of energy moving up and down my spine
subtle to dense -- dense to subtle.
Spirit and form merging, dancing, creating emotion.
Conscious am I to welcome these currents
and know them in quality and tone of color.
Conscious am I to sense their lines in my body
connecting me to a larger whole.
Lines drawing pictures spirit to form, woman to nature,
being to being, earth to cosmos.
Energy current weaving parts and coloring in the whole.
Violet moves the spectrum red. 
Green the bridging heart.              


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