
Friday, June 14, 2013

"Far Out"


I am reading my archived blogs to help me write my book. I often sound like an alien.  If I am then it would be perfectly natural not to fit in!
Speaking of aliens I’m starting to sense the “rapture” I am experiencing as other worldly as if I am beaming up or something is beaming in. It is a new dimensional-less phenomenon and some days I feel as if part of me is somewhere else and part of me here.  What is this "thinning" experience?
The other day I had the impression of a large dragon behind me holding up the orb of Gaia.  It reminded me of a movie that showed a huge space craft rising larger than earth’s horizon.  Recently when I look at the clouds in the sky I think about space craft and aliens…I will now use the word “star” people thanks to my Native Indian friend who used that term the other day at his concert. Thoughts about this larger “home” bring a smile.
I’ve been thinking about John Denver recently and have started to listen to his music.  On my spiritual path of 41 years I’ve been attracted to musicians…perhaps star people are musicians!  I did have a heart/soul connection with JD.  At his Windstar Symposium I heard David Brower speak and John had written a beautiful song for him.  I’m realizing that David is associated with the Sierra Club and how that male energy came through (via ghost like substance) when I opened the Sierra Club magazine. Lately I had the thought that JD is “captain” of a space craft. This is bizarre to my left and logical brain but that is not the language I speak. (I considered not sharing this but it is what’s moving and I am honest inside out--it is this honesty that sustains my flow of evolution. And…I honor my engaged and active imagination which is imaging sight or inner sight a verb rather than a noun.)‎ Jun 25, 2012 – It's no exaggeration to say that David Ross Brower was the heir to John Muir and the most influential environmentalist of the 20th Century.
On a couple of recent FB posts Deepak said his intention is that his words and actions bring joy and happiness to others. I don’t relate to this and responded that this feels “sticky and entangled”.  Not sure what this says about me or my journey.  Maybe I am reptilian and more cold than warm?  I don’t feel this way or see myself this way however.  All I know is how things feel alchemically. My words to people are more often, "Take up thy bed and walk!"  It must be why I don't have a fan club or lots of this realm anyway.
AM Dream:  Jean Houston is standing in my doorway considering the size of a room in my house that I am viewing. She determined via diagonal line that the room was too oblong.  Then I invite several women to my house for lunch.  Carolyn Myss shows up as if she were a close friend.  She hangs out asking questions and I invite her to stay for lunch.  I panic because the lunch consists of tortillas, a filling and rice and it will take time and I’m not sure how to coordinate it all. I want to just sit and chat with Carolyn but it would be rude to send the other women home.  I call out for help from the kitchen but none of the women respond.  It’s as if the task is my responsibility alone.  I check in on Carolyn and she is sitting on a patio swing reading a book.  Cool, that this dream house has an outdoor patio with swing. And cool that I spent some time with Jean and Carolyn!


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