
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Thank you, Wayne Dyer

Just listened to Reid Tracy and Wayne Dyer.  Wow!  Wayne can be intense!  There were a lot of words and stories flying and at one point I had to take a breather to slow my intake process down.  Too much input for this brain. Wayne talked about "something moving the checkers around" in our lives and I'm wondering how that relates to us creating our own realities.  It does seem that there is something larger moving the parts around and yet this could not happen if I was not responsive. Oh, I just got an image...water...we are in water and moved around by the currents. So, how does this relate to us creating our own realities?  I have several reality threads that are in the process of being woven and I am not attached because it is "Thy will, not my will."  I know that to mean there is a gracious creator that can bring more into creation than I can image.  S/he can do this because of the One synergy of the many parts. I let go to this synergetic current as the parts fall into place. It's all unfolding from receptive response at a super conscious, conscious, subconscious, unsconscious and super unconscious level...the Sacred Feminine in all matter.  Another image...the "supers" are joined as two serpents creating One circle space.


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