
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Mother Ship

Yesterday I visited a woman named EagleSong at her small farm in a nearby city. She just returned from England where she participated in a Totnes Transition Town event regarding Inner Transition.  I'm hoping to interview her and post it on the Transtion Woodinville website. I learned that she has a passion for labyrinths, has visited several of them worldwide and is creating one on her farm of which I hope to help create. A family from another farm further North was there and we had a great time together.  Pictured are the two children.

Something came over me while at this farm and enveloped me in deep centeredness. It was like being in still waters. Later that night this energy was still present like a cloud and early this morning that enveloping effect was so “thick” that I had to take a nap (at 8:30 am? – I had things to do!). When this substance wraps around me there is no choice but to go into it.  As I was resting I went deeper and deeper.  At one point a message came in and I caught it on a thin thread:  “Mother…calling.” I caught the impression consciously and let it be without any translation.
As I was taking my client on errands this morning words filtered in from out of the blue:  “Mother ship.”  And with that I remembered that the process of being enveloped in a fog and having to nap happened the exact time of John Denver’s death. 
I then remembered the time Jean Houston was at a Windstar Symposium and talked about aliens.  The rumor mill was that JD was not happy. Perhaps I can ask her about this when we have our Salon group chat in July.


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