
Monday, July 1, 2013

Thank you, Elisa Novick & Camilla Blossom

I met Elisa Novick at the Fairy Congress.  In her introduction she talked about two trees she works with "building a spacecraft" so I knew that I wanted to hang out with her.  Our paths kept crossing so it was more confirmation.  She is an amazing being...clear, loving, intuitive, psychic, another Gaian teacher.  She introduced us to pine trees on that Methow Valley/Skalitude Retreat Center land.  But first she had us partner up, approach that partner and sense each others energetic fields.  After doing this again and again I got a headache because all my sensing was charging around my crown chakra.  She suggested that I find a position with my partner that was grounding.  And to my surprise, I knew exactly where that was....back to back!

She took us to a Grandfather Pine who was so very tall and grounded in "Grandeur". As I walked around approaching from the side something moved in my upper chest, caught my throat and exited my open mouth.  Elisa was behind me and I turned to her and said, "The tree just took my breath away."  She said that she had seen that.  

During the traditional Fairy Ritual I learned that the Council had "gotten" that a new chakra had opened and it is located above the heart and below the throat.  When I was talking with some friends the next day I was asking about the wing chakra and one woman friend "got" that the wing chakra I was describing and locating on the body was the same chakra that the Fairy Council had identified.  They see this chakra to represent "unity"...a man friend asked what the wing chakra represented and the word that flew out of my mouth was "transcendence."  I told them about the workship The Devic World of Hawaii with Len-Erna Cotton and that she taught us to hula and when the hands are high they represent the celestial realm and when the hands are low they represent the terrestial realm.  What realm does this new chakra represent?  I think the "crossing over" realm.

Another interesting aspect of the Congress for me personally is the similarity I have with Morgan Brent who does Singing Alive gatherings.  The similarity is the trance like way I close my eyes and let my hands dance the sounds. I love dancing/singing this way. It is my chakra hula. Morgan spent time with John of God and much of his early journey was with plant medicine Ayahuasca. So, perhaps I have a connection with this plant medicine indirectly. 

Another enchanting thing happened!  I reconnected with my dear friend Camilla Blossom who has worked with flower essences and who has been offering Water Wheel Ceremonies with a Native Indian man named Marshall Jack.  She offered a Mermaid and Water Wheel Ceremony.  In the journey with Camilla I had my first encounter with mermaid!  Camilla is a Journey Master. Her soft voice and calm, sweet demeanor is very powerful and potent.  As soon as she brought in "earth elementals" something substantil plopped into blue green water next to a dark rock cliff.  Mermaid?  This being didn't have arms however. When Camilla asked what we would like to offer in return I got/saw "my ring" I put it in the bowl of water with crystals at the end of the journey. When Camilla brought in dolphin I wondered if this being was dolphin.  The missing arms had my mind perplexed. Coming back to this realm I exited that rock cliff but before closing it I announced, "I WILL BE BACK!"

Brooke Medicine Eagle mentioned that she is looking for "Goddess" women to join her on her property or she is going to sell.  I've been thinking that it might be time for me to move from Woodinville feeling that my work with community here is ended. I may spend a weekend with her to see how it feels. It would be a big step for me.  My focus, however, is writing my book.  Camilla is also looking for a place to live and I think about joining her.  I am definitely ready for a new cycle but my book keeps my grounded here/now.

I told Elisa and Camilla that they should write a book so that more people can do elemental work with trees and water.  Camilla and Marshall will be on the Big Island in July to offer a water wheel ceremony and I advocated for that to be promoted on Facebook so we can use this opportunity for healing.  I told Elisa that we are needing her work with trees to spread.  Imagine how many more women (and men) are out there across the planet doing elemental work with Nature! It's time to step forward because the veil is lifted. And that veil has to do with the heart of matter.

Oh my gosh, something else...As I was laying on the grass listening to the flute player I noticed white threads floating from the pine tree.  They looked like spider webbing.  With time I saw that they were coming from the tips of the their fingers. Lacking left brain I didn't follow up to investigate if there were pine cones and if this was pitch.  It was so very beautiful...a pine tree dance...make that hula!

The Fairy and Human Relations Congress will be in Kuaia this winter, 2014. 
  Workshop Description:
Eleven years ago I walked down a forest path and was met by a wave of love like nothing I’d ever felt before. It was emanating from a magnificent and noble oak tree. I asked inwardly whether this was a teacher for me and was told that this was a partner with whom I could work anywhere in the galaxy! (I am a healer who works with people, individually and in groups, toward personal, relational, and planetary healing.) Since that time I have had the most astounding experiences in that forest and other places with master trees. In response, these trees have now put out a call to others to save the planet and they welcome our partnership. I will be sharing some of the methods I use to attune to the trees and to partner with them in planetary service.Pre-requisite: It is highly recommended to participate in Holographic Multidimensional Awareness For Relationship, Attunement and Co-Creation but not an absolute requirement.
Presentation Speakers:
Elisa Novick, MSS does profound work as a healer and facilitator of workshops in personal healing and spiritual expansion. She loves nurturing each person’s maturation as a sovereign, human-spiritual-cosmic being with clear inner guidance and attunement, capable of forming loving relationships and of coming into oneness with others for service at the highest level for the highest good. Since 1997, Elisa has facilitated the Godwork Meetings devoted to creating new exquisite coherent patterns of healing and thriving for the planet. Her current projects include a book describing the wondrous experiences she has with a group of Trees that she has communed with for eleven years and creating a Thriving Planet Foundation to fund and train world healers.


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