
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

E-motional Medicine Wheel

Here's an excerpt from Trish's Language of the Sacred Feminine and chapter on E-motional Medicine Wheel

E-motions (energy in motion) breathe us from the core center of green chakra heart and move through us into our personal lives. Letting this energy move moment by moment, day by day, is critical to our health and well being. This process is a dance of dark and light, yin and yang, masculine and feminine forces. I know this dance as a pattern of flow again and again. It moves circular like the medicine wheel.

I know and love the e-motional space of South where I am bright, happy and sunny. I observe this outgoing phase of the wheel and am aware that sooner or later it will shift. And it does, moving me naturally into the West where alchemical weather change takes place. The brightness lessens and the temperature changes as sun sets. From the West e-motion moves North into winter bringing dark night of the soul. I know this phase of e-motional flow as depression. North is natural on a round circular wheel and is the exact opposite of the force that moves in the South. Years ago I would stay in this dark phase for weeks. It felt like a shadow dripping with heaviness. Now I go into this dark phase and let the cold waters of e-motion wash over me full force. I feel the force deeply. In the discomfort masculine logic tells me that soon it will be sunny again. That doesn’t diminish the intensity however. My logical ongoing mantra is “the higher I fly the lower I dive.” It’s a relief when the alchemical pressure of North lifts and I am moving again. From here e-motion moves me once again into the East of sunrise and dawn with an expanded horizon in view. Here some new aspect of awareness is born within my consciousness. East brings a new day.

This experience is certainly not the emotional rut that I knew years ago. This is an evolving e-motional dance around the medicine wheel and circle of life. The dancers that lead are the emotional Sacred Feminine and the logical Sacred Masculine. The mental mind releases its control and the ego steps aside as a stronger and deeper current keeps time and sets the beat. My responsibility in this dance is to LET emotions move through in a very personal way. Over time I learned to identify with stillness resonating from my core center. It’s here that I can watch my e-motional dance around the medicine wheel through an eye and state of peace.


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