
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Thank you, Marshall & Friends

Aloha from Kona-Kailua Hawaii: The new site of the “World Wide Water Ceremony”!

Palm-leaning-over-oceanThe Water Wheel Ceremony Project Purpose: To bring together collective intention and consciousness to benefit our children’s waters 500+ years into the future.

The vision is to create a web/template of 172, 000 Water Wheels (medicine wheels) linked together across the planet that serves to renew our sacred relationship with water. This message was given to Marshall Jack, aka Golden Eagle of the Paiute Nation,

Since 2005, Pat (aka Wind Song Spirit) has joined Marshall on many locations in the USA, and Pat has performed the sacred water ceremonies in England, Scotland, and Costa Rica with other Lightworkers who treasure our waters.

Now is the time to go to the Big Island of Hawaii, on the sacred ceremonial site of the Kahuna elders. They have carried the love for the earth and the waters for thousands of years by their own ceremonies, dances and songs.

July 16 is to ask permission of the Holy Ones of the Island Spirits of Hawaii to use the sacred site. Then to prepare the site, and work with the 7 water planets that are coming into alignment during our ceremonies.

July 17 will be the combined efforts of the group accompanying Marshall from Texas, and the Kahuna Elders. It has been put on our hearts to do three things.
  1. Clear the remainder of the old karmic emotions worldwide from the waters, that still remain.
  2. Feel the new powerful energy of NOW as the water template is set into place for the world.
  3. Look to the future for our children and grandchildren who are living now, and then into 500+ years from now. Picture a world where all creatures and kingdoms have clear, clean water for their use.
We will be setting the intent for all of these prayers on the Big Island, through a Crystalline Altar and the use of Rose Quartz Crystals that magnify the prayers and our emotions.
Also: many people have asked that they be a part of these ceremonies through working with their own crystals, and their desires of the heart for our waters of the world. Yes, join us through the heart… charge your own crystals with your love and heart desires. Then place on your own altar.

Personal Note: I have 6 beautiful grandchildren and I never thought the day would come that they would have to drink water out of plastic bottles, and that their pleasure of the lakes and rivers would be curtailed because the water was polluted. I never dreamed that the sea kingdom would suffer so from man’s abuse to the water kingdom, and the other living kingdoms. How can we do this to our provider of our very life?
I am told “ Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world…. For, indeed, they are the only ones who ever have.” By Margaret Mead
The Native Americans believe that “we are the ones that the world has been waiting for”… we are the 5 fingered ones, and we are the only earthly kingdom that can make the changes for the future of our beloved Mother Earth. As we start to love and honor the Mother Earth… she can provide for us and knows how to heal. It is the time of the heart…. And to get out of our minds.
I choose to stand up, and not be silent anymore. I choose to make a difference. I AM the one to make a difference. I AM a 5 fingered one…. Come join me…


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