
Wednesday, July 10, 2013


I am so happy!  This fall Hay House is presenting a writer’s workshop closer to home and affordable.  Yay! I now have a book proposal to write and submit.
There is a lot of traffic congestion in my neighborhood and a policeman was directing cars as I was driving here to the library. As I drove by him I rolled down my window and said, “Thank you.” I immediately felt a wave of emotion move through my chest and I realized this is the language of my wing chakra.  It was new and very palpable. 
New door opens that welcomes women friends who commune with nature and a new personal connection to elements and elementals.  I wear a wispy cloud that keeps me upright and with a new sense of happiness…one that is connected to contentment.  Happiness has felt outgoing to me but this new energy is an ingoing happy contentment.  My head is feeling light all of a sudden and it’s difficult to be logical as I write.  My book writing keeps me grounded. Perhaps this light cloud is “fairy” dust.
For the first time in 10+ years I have two men who are offering me protection regarding tracker/hacker/stalker.  What door is this that opens?  Is it planetary alignment?  One of the men used the term Multiple Personality Disorder to describe this intruder of personal space.  After listening to Caroline Myss’ interview on Hay I wonder what this archetype is…no doubt shadow.  She has some very pointed things to say and she says them just as pointed so it’s a double wammie out into the universe.  “I am using my shadow to consciously give me permission to hurt others” is an example she used.  What is my role in this? Learning to protect myself with boundaries and magical powers that meet his when they are directed into my space; to learn to rise above his antics and stay light hearted; to laugh at the folly and to love the mystery of it all.


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