
Monday, July 15, 2013

Medicine Grid

I went to Hood River for Camilla’s Multidimensional School of Nature Spirit Medicine and a flower walk on Mt. Hood.  Camilla is a powerful healer and has learned a lot from Marshall “Golden Eagle” Jack and others over the years. She did a clearing with me regarding Tracker and asked that the story go back to its source. Lemuria came into awareness. She also got that I was cursed.  We did a lot of powerful energetic work along these lines with Mt Adams to the North and Mt Hood to the South.  I felt a major shift of energy in my body. Saturday morning when I woke up I got that Tracker was also cursed. Camilla thought this piece of “compassion” was critical in the healing process.  I love Camilla!
When we were celebrating gnomes and welcoming them in Balboa, wearing a bright red jacket and vest appeared with hands on his waist in a proud stance. He didn’t have his pipe this time.
When we were admiring the Poet Shooting Star flower a large fairy came through wearing white gown with full flowing skirt laced with quartz crystals like the ones Camilla and Marshall use in their water wheel ceremonies. Something dark was above the skirt and I assumed hair.  She held wand in her hand. As I was sharing this with the group I mentioned that I felt unsafe.  In forty years of spiritual journeying I had not told anyone verbally about my mystical experiences as they were coming through.  I was assured that I was safe in this circle.
Sunday I woke up beaming.  I noticed my face in the mirror and wondered why I was so happy.  I had just had a dream about my ex husband and we were talking on the phone with me telling him that his voice sounded different.  He wanted to reconnect.  I knew I was beaming about more than that. I started to write Camilla a note of thanks and the first words that came through were “Fairy Queen...”  So, that’s who she is!
I left for home early a.m. wanting to say hello to Mt Adams and Trout Lake being aware of the alien activity in that area.  As I drove past Dalles Dam and turned North to Hi 14 I noticed the open terrain on both East and West sides and suddenly it felt as if I was above the ground reading the landscape’s lines. I thought, “Oh, this is how aliens connect with Planet Earth using ley lines!” My experience was as if I shifted into zoom lens to see a wider expanse of terrain and with that a sensing of the arcing pattern of the planet. (I don’t have the correct aviation/nautical terms for this.)
It’s beautiful in that area with Mt. Hood, Mt. Adams, Mt. St Helens and Mt Rainier and lots of trees, rivers and creeks. Here I had a conversation with Octavia, the Fairy Queen who has more to say so I will keep ears open
Monday AM:  Dream about Tracker.  We were in a building.  He was sitting two people down on my right.  That person got up to leave.  I became aware of the open space between us.  He got up to leave. In the dream I considered what to do and then called his name loudly saying that I’d like to speak with him. He hesitated but walked over and sat down.  I looked at him face to face.   He was wearing a black cowboy hat that covered the top of his head.  Though he looked different this was Tracker.  He swore at me….cursing me… and got up to leave.  I told him I wanted to talk with him and followed him. Outside I was surprised by all the people in attendance. Tracker in this realm has a lot of followers who learn from him and look up to him and so it was in this dream. My friend in this realm, Steve, was sitting at the edge like a gatekeeper and I asked if he had seen the man who just walked by.  I informed him it was Tracker.  I went looking for him but he was in hiding. (So, now I have men in this realm and in dream time realm who are aware of Tracker and know what he looks like. The curse is being exposed.)
Today I took my client to the escrow office. He is purchasing the green field/lot next door for his bees. I admired the brightly colored flowers and green leaves in three huge pots outside the office doors.  Inside as I was looking out the window I suddenly remembered my garden snow peas I had for breakfast. I tasted them again so crunchy, sweet and substantial.  Suddenly I “got” that Balboa was with me nodding approval.  As I walked out the doors I noticed the flowers again and then I “got” Fairy Queen was present.  It must have been my personality ego voice that spontaneously asked, “Who are you people, anyway?”  Is fairy wand behind this “got” pattern.  Is it a wave of “got-cha” with a flick of the wrist? It is definitely enchanting!
I am aware of a new grid of ascension that begins to connect “medicine” people and beings. This door opened as soon as I closed a previous one. Amazing!


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