
Monday, July 22, 2013

Om Shanti

Meditation is having an effect.  Just by thinking about it I reign myself in and ground and feel waves of relaxation.  Amazing!

There's a TV commercial that goes:  "I could have had a V-8."  Now, I am hearing myself say, "I could have meditated."  I am meditating once a day.  I sometimes can go to that "sweet spot" as Davidji says.  It's a high vibration but I don't stay there long...I'm sure it takes's very bright.  My mind does chatter a lot or I fly away on a journey.

So, I will ask Davidji if these different levels of awareness reflect different brain waves:  mind chatter; out of body journeying; stillness in "Om Shanti" (is what came through for me recently).

At a local pow wow a woman who does Reiki and massage worked on my shoulder/arm/hand/thumb.  She said my arm felt heavy like armour.  Said it felt like something spiritual.  Said it's simply time to let go...that there was/is nothing wrong with the armour.

I saw an old friend at Sandblast.  She knows Tracker.  We had a good talk.  She is yet another "medicine" woman in my life who extends white light and love.  I am now surrounded by medicine people who want the highest for me and for Tracker. I am amazed at the heart centered feedback I have been receiving the past few weeks from so many angles.  It is freeing.  I am ready to let go of this story.  I am ready for the next chapter in my life.


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