
Friday, August 16, 2013

Goddess Esotre

Noticing new rays of energy. Always happens after a downward motion of e-motion. Starting to feel a reconnection with community after cocoon phase. Judge ye not...what looks like disaster has silver and golden lining.

I was with my two dog buddies who were sniffing the giant horsetail patch and my head got a resonating buzz. Thinking it's new attunement.

Also during cocoon phase I felt frozen reminding me of kundalini snap so long ago.
I conclude (how masculine is that?) that cocoon phase is time to download Light Energy while matter is transmuted
Not comfortable...evolution never is.
We are warriors of heart and fear not. We are more than ego that is passing away.

Feels like Easter...enter Goddess Eostre, a Teutonic deity. She is associated with "wild woodlands, like the Fairy Queen and wood nymphs of Celtic tradition. Her priestesses become the wudu-maer, Wood Mothers or Little Wood Women."

I am always honored to speak of Goddesses who live and always will.


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