
Monday, August 19, 2013

Energetic Connections

On Facebook the other morning Gregg Braden and Wayne Dyer posted, one after the other, Reid Tracy's timeline image of butterfly with words of wisdom that "hit home." The energy inspired me to email Reid  introducing myself and sending him my Caterpillar to Butterfly poem that I wrote years ago. Our energetic connections have a way of evolving I had not even thought about emailing Reid.  So, thank you Gregg and Wayne for your positive influence.

I attended Flute Quest with some friends at Saltwater State Park.  The evening concert was powerful. At one time the maple tree (I am guessing by the shape of its leaves) started to dance a whirling dervish with "green skirt" lifted high.  Later I thought s/he must have felt free and off the if in a joyous flight. And thus the power of flute music that frees matter!

I spoke with Native Indian Paul Wagner about playing flute and storytelling at I Can Do It in February.  I was planting seeds and he seemed receptive.  Now, I will try to plant those same seeds with Hay House staff in October. I continue to have this vision of white culture merging with Indian culture here in Salish Sea. It is a healing opportunity for our land and our peoples. I will continue to hold this vision.

On our Nature Spirit Medicine blog I read that Camilla had mentioned me as a "shapeshifter."  I never considered myself a shapeshifter, I thought everything else shapeshifted around me. This feedback is why it's so important for us to reflect one another via words.  I can see more of myself with the help of others eyes and voices.


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