
Wednesday, August 21, 2013


I am noticing something new about my self-expression.  I have boundaries...very clear boundaries.  This clarity feels like iron and even has some sort of structure as I listen to myself communicate. I see this as masculine energy and it is such a gift in my life in that He listens, hears and respects my intuitive gut feelings. In the past I would be wishy-washy not wanting to hurt anyone’s feelings. Now I have new inner agreement! This newness is like a breath of fresh air with solid…searching my field for the right word…”ramparts” comes up and now I have to look up the definition.
1.    1. A defensive wall of a castle or walled city, having a broad top with a walkway and typically a stone parapet.
2.    2. A defensive or protective barrier.

I knew that masculine energy was increasing in my inner and outer life but I never knew it would bring me two rambunctious boys to nanny.  Yesterday, I was at their house for dinner and at one point the 8-year-old asked me when I was leaving.  I said, “One hour.”  He responded, “Fifteen hours!”  I was so surprised that he expressed this emotion. These boys lack discipline and I’m going to have my hands full. The parents think I will be a good influence. I will try!
The dogs I walk were sniffing at a tree this morning so I tuned in to it as teacher Camilla is instructing us.  When I did so I got “grumpy” and a cold presence. I stood there dumbfounded! When I asked what that was about I got “grief” and “lonely.” The tree is standing alone on the side of a field that had been clear cut. It looks like I need to carry my “medicine” with me when I go on these walks so that I can make offerings of love and (this word wants to speak) “rememberances.”  Perhaps this re-membering is like soul retrieval that shamans do for humans.  I am receiving this information here/now and am grateful for this teaching coming through. This is the perfect example of the Language of the Sacred Feminine and Masculine.
I had the same “grumpy” response from some maple trees neatly planted in a line along the road. I am seeing a new side of Nature…Her grief. Camilla’s Nature Spirit Medicine Apprenticeship gives me more response-ability through direct action.  
This grief is just under the surface of consciousness and is hot and boiling. I experienced it rise up in me recently and I hear about it rising up all around the planet.  The best way to respond to this grief is to offer love and light in a way that is right for each one. One turns within and listens for direction…reminding me of Caroline Myss’ beautiful words on Davidji’s radio program today. We heal ourselves AND others…and we heal Nature.


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