
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Rainbow Loops

I am seeing rainbow feedback loops via chakras, cells and stars.  Rainbow colors held by dark positive force and light negative force.  Those symbols (+/-) are at the top and the botom (-/+) of the chakra loops. Kundalini runs through the parts and the whole.  Communication is a feedback looping system and I am happy when I start my morning with FB friends.  This networking gives me an uplift as if I am "plugging in."
I am identifying the wing chakra as turquoise in color because of it's association with green heart and blue throat. 

Monday Louise Hay and Carolin Myss were weaving in and out of consciousness.  Not sure why...and not sure how to loop with feedback. I will keep an eye open.

I watch CNN at times and heard a few people criticize Obama for being indecisive regarding Syria.  These people don't know what a "process" looks like, sounds like.  A process includes many feedback loops and an intelligent process waits and listens and then takes the next step.  I see Obama as honoring internal feedback loops as well as engaging others nationally and internationally in a process of intelligent communicaiton. (Heart/Wing/Throat chakra take a bow!)

A man said to me that he can't get to know a woman without having sex with her and that studies show that women can be "just friends" but men cannot.  This morning I thought of what I can say in response:  I can't get to know a man without spiritual substance and friendship and that is sexual!

"Intelligence" is not about spying and stealing information.  World "powers" are not countries with military might. As communication evolves in enlightenment so will our language.


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