
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Dragon Yoga

I am coming out of my shell and starting to engage in community again.  My priority is to stay  in balance and I get a sense of what that feels like after 3 days of solitude and being "lazy."  Interesting how that word had a negative connotation with me.  Being lazy is enchanting.

I value my relationship with Camilla, Nature Spirit Medicine. She has a gifted way of weaving language and bringing words into a collective web. This morning I "got" that I'd like the two of us to record on video/YouTube and introduced the idea to her. She is very receptive to the idea.  In this unfoldment I looked at what it is about our relationship that works and it has to do with fire of inspiration. She brings something out in me and I know that feedback loop goes both ways. So, we may have some creative work to do together.  We are definitely in process.

I am writing a chapter about Shadow and Light that is definitely my journey.  I got that two dragons were one and then became "falling" into dense matter.  I am letting "dragon" tell this story. 

The tree that is "grumpy" stand alone and next to a power transformer.  I met another tree, a large
douglas Fir, that is next to another housing development recently clear cut. As I turned to leave I heard Fir say, "here to give." So, here is a tree holding unconditional love.  Camilla suggested that I ask the tree to reach out to the distressed tree and I will do that.

The other night I was laying in my garden between the rows of fragrant white flowers that bloom at night looking up at the stars. I am so fortunate to live in the valley with so few people and houses next to me.  My thought of moving to Ballard is out of the question!  I could not breathe in that density. So, it's good to know I am planted where I am and will accept my commute in a good way.  A friend gave me her deck of yoga cards. I am pulling out a couple every day and practicing.  I am learning many postures and their benefits as well as moving my body.  I plan to take the deck to the boys I will soon nanny and see if they want to do yoga...maybe the neighborhood boys will participate in a yoga club.  The dad does martial arts so this could be an extension. I will be creative at my new job!


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