
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Salamander & Alchemy

I had a dream about Louise Hay. We were in a room with books and then in a car conversing about a change in my book. We had good rapport and communication. Fun!

For some reason this dream is causing me to pull out the children’s stories I wrote years ago. Stories about children living on Gaia and I have maternal feelings about them. The same heart centered feeling I had when Salamander came to me in a dream and I held it and then put it in a place of protection. Salamander evolved into dragon with wings and it’s satisfying for me to write about this kundalini birth within my physical system. And it’s the same feeling I now have when I look at the Caduceus. I see its story/message clearly and wrote a page about it as a new myth.
I was with my family for a few days and away from my writing and spiritual work (being with people is spiritual but not in the same conscious way). I was feeling “flat” and negative thinking was trying to get my attention. Logic kept speaking His loving intelligence:  “Stay positive.” “Focus on Light.” My writing felt as if it lost its substance and I was accepting that it too was flat. Logic told me, again, to just keep writing.  I did and like so, so many times before the downward spiral was followed by an upward leap, and this time the leap was quantum!
“POOF” happens.  When all seems flat I write this and that and then an image calls and I include it, share it and then all the parts merge and abracadabra:  a quantum leap appears before one’s eyes (spiritual and physical)!
Caduceus is what that leap looks like. In researching the image after it called to me I learned that caduceus is associated with mercury, an elemental metal.  Perhaps this is that “rampart” substance I have been sensing in my energetic space.  I also learned that caduceus is a symbol of commerce and negotiation.  I had just posted about inner negotiation. Another association is writing.  And thus the dots are connected. My responsibility is to notice/see and intelligently bring the parts into one whole. It’s a creative and organic process that I love being part of. It gives my inner and outer life meaning and purpose.
It’s not easy to write about this magical process of “transmutation” (the word wants to speak…is this masculine Mercury getting through?).  It’s much easier to write as the process unfolds spirit through matter, letting it reveal its story as we catch it with the “net” of consciousness. I sense this as alchemy.
I was at my previous client’s home helping him with a couple of chores.  When I was outside I noticed that sweet presence rippling softly through my being.  I looked around. Is this energy coming from the giant Sequoia Tree? Or is it the large Cedars, Sequoia, Maple and others in chorus?  I love trees and trees love me!


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