
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Kundalini Chakra System Explained - 1 of 3 (You Tube)

Dream:  In a bright red eco-car moving forward.  Water is rising I drive through and then fly upward turning around the other direction.  I land in a village next to horses and a simple house.  I watch the syoung woman managing her children. She sees me and says, "Hi Trish, we were expecting you." I ask how she knows me and in an instant get the telepathic connection. I was struck by this wisdom in such a humble setting.

I have met a woman on FB who, I think is East Indian.  Her posts are very wise and resonate with me. She is starting to feel like a "pen pal." It's interesting all the levels of "intelligence" or communication on FB. I can talk to a few about dragon and fairy; others about Transition; others about Coal Train; others about self-awareness; others about Feminine/Masculine.  So many angles of relating

There is an incrdible You Tube that I don't know how to embed here. It depicts the green heart chakra as a serpent or dragaon with is so right on! as far as my experience goes.  What is Dragon all about?
I see it as an increase in Life Force in our nervous system and dense matter. Dragon will reveal him/herself to us and we will see the effects all around us.  Yes, new intelligence and new communication.

Kundalini Chakra System Explained - 1 of 3



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