
Monday, September 23, 2013

Water Wheel Ceremony

Six women in Nature Spirit Medicine Apprenticeship gathered in Washougal, WA along the Columbia River for the Autumn Equinox Water Wheel ceremony. These wheels are being "grounded" all around the planet thanks to Marshall "Golden Eagle" Jack and many others. The women in this photo (Camilla taking the photo) have created these wheels along several rivers in Oregon and Washington. This morning as I was walking my two dogs (interesting when insights come through...they have a mind and timing of their own) I saw dragon feet stepping into these circles and so I saw them as "dragon tracks" where energy moves. Our ceremony took 3.5 hours and it was so much fun and powerful.  Imagine Power meaning fun!!  Do we need a new word for a new reality? We sang several earth chants which always makes me happy.  I'm so grateful to have a circle of women who share my mystical experiences.



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