
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Reptilian Brain

I went to bed early after a busy week.  As I lay there my “radar” picked up commotion. I sensed a shuffling and movement.  I watched further and saw dragon bodies moving this way and that…later reminding me of the “scrambler” a ride at the Puyallup Fair. The bodies were definitely grounded like the white meditation dragon…based in earth. Then I sensed Jean Houston, Caroline Myss and Louis Hay. When I asked about this I got “Dragon School.”  Does “commotion” now mean community in motion?
I want to change some words from a previous post regarding “treats”.  Now, the truth is a nutritious meal is a treat and I feel “off key” if I don’t feed myself this way.  I used to get anxious for sweet treats…that has changed and continues to deepen. My work is consistency right now and not the ups and downs. I find balance by enjoying all the taste sensations and knowing how to say “no” to over indulging in sweet treats. It’s definitely a new intelligence that is conscious as if my body is sounding a new pH “tone” and I am more aware of staying in tune.
Very lucid dream:  I was walking a country road and picked up pace. Then I was flying. In the air I felt a “chord” pull me one direction and then another. The chord was attached to the top of my head and I was very conscious of its pulling force in my earth body.  I landed in a crouched position and listened and watched.  I saw children playing. I joined them and soon asked, “What state do you live in?” “Virginia” was the response.
I find it fascinating that I am now asking questions in dreamtime.  I don’t remember doing that previously but then I am very lucid and don’t remember such details.
I have been perplexed.  Years ago I heard Deepak in Sedona speak about the many Indian gods and goddesses. I didn’t know their names and it’s still difficult for me to know them as nouns.  I did, however, experience these beings as verbs as their energies moved through me at that time. Jean Houston talks about Greek gods and goddesses and their names do not stick. It’s as if naming has no magnetic quality in my brain-body. I do, however, have energetic experiences with some of these beings and know them in the moment through an “animal magnetism.” This is a different dimension of brain-body and does remind me of the reptilian brain that most educated people dismiss as no longer significant in the role of intelligence. The other day I was reading Caroline Myss’ book Why People Don’t Heal and How They Can and the Hindu and Hebrew words that are used in the section about chakras were not registering or making an imprint.  Why can I not digest, relate and remember these things, these names?
I read the answer yesterday as I was sitting at the skate park with the boys I now care for. Kundalini in the Physical World, Mary Scott: “In philosophy there is something called the fallacy by naming. It means falling into the trap of thinking because we have given something a name we know what it is. We in the West seem to be in danger of falling into this trap over Kundalini.”
So, “naming” is not a noun but a verb which is how I know something outside of myself and…know myself.
Dream:  In the room with a couple of businessmen. Although an outsider I engage in conversation. Later outside the room one of the execs approaches me and with a new demeanor beams at me with a two-teeth grin and informs me that he wants me to be president of their new company that will be in operation soon.  I feel an overall sense of security.
This empowering dream led to thoughts in this reality:
I do not steer by man’s laws. I steer by scent. DO NOT underestimate the power of the reptilian brain. A brain that was manipulated with using genetically modified means. Not unlike what is being used today.
Those of us who were in Lemuria or Atlantis know the story deep within our bones; it’s in our DNA. We know the toxic influences and interferences that led to the fall of land and rise of sea. This fall will not repeat itself because a collective Body of Light holds a new pattern.

I have hit a plateau with my book writing at year 2008.  It’s the time I wrote “When the matriarchal hub of a family passes over the whole world stands still.” I have much more to write to bring my story up to the present and yet this story is never ending! It does seem as if Language of the Sacred Feminine evolved into Dragon Speak and S/He Dragon ~ My Kundalini Journey.  Writing my story has helped me be more articulate about my experience and as I was telling my hairdresser about the book I watched the passion rise through my body and out my mouth!
I look forward to the Writer’s Workshop in San Franscisco and learning how to fit my non-linear reality into a linear world.  Thank God/dess there are people to assist me in this.


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