
Monday, October 7, 2013

Dance of Chi

Human...I don't feel human. I feel animated! I don't want to talk or write about spirituality or kundalini I simply want to let it move through me.  And yet here I am trying to fit in by writing my story in a book. And I don't always feel connected to people and would rather be alone or in Nature.  It's all a bit confusing right now.

What is not confusing is the love I feel for people I hear speak via Hay House.  For example Marianne Williamson spoke at the Writer's Workshop this weekend. She was charged and gave me a charge.  It's this energetic kinship that keeps me connected to Hay House.  After 60 minutes of Marianne connection I needed to do some yoga stretches/poses just to honor the chi that was moving.  At break I did a few poses and joined another woman who was doing the same. I was quite surprised how specific and loud this chi was wanting to express through "yoga" outlets. I now see yoga as the body's natural dance of chi. How enlightening!  

I appreciated Reid's approachability and Nancy's receptivity at the workshop.  And I do appreciate this process of learning how to ground energy in the form of a book even though I'd like to fly away in bliss. A friend reminded me that a neighbor was a professional editor so I will interview her.  I am looking forward to spending time with Jean Houston at her event The Next Great Step and will ask her some questions about the writing process. 

I learn to ground energy through matter and a book....just like Kundalini grounding through physical bodies. 



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