
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Aquarius Dragon

I mentioned to Reid at the Writer’s Workshop that I might be sending him a "birth announcement."  I didn’t know it would look like the following. Why? Because this birth is through “commotion” of community in motion. This is how it is evolving and animating. Perhaps these are contractions.
1.    At the Writer’s Workshop I spoke to Nancy Levin about including a Native American thread at I Can Do It, Vancouver in May. She is receptive to further communication.

2.    I prepare for Jean Houston’s event The Next Great Step that includes a “platform” opportunity where attendees can have a table to share something.  I dust off my Circle of Life activity and coloring book and pull out my business cards. I will invite participants to engage their right/feminine brain to create their Circle of Life mandala story.

3.    In 2010 I introduced Circle of Life storytelling and mandala art to Native Indian tribes in Washington State. Pictures of my students are on my website at Native Indians relate to the circle as it is their identity as spiritual beings.

4.    Because I am animated I need energetic flow at Hay House events in order to sustain inner balance. I can feel restricted from too much left brain talk, talk, talk. Where is the right brain, feminine balance?

5.    Circle of Life mandala art contributes right brain animation so I am sending Nancy and Reid my Circle of Life book with the proposal that I offer a mandala art exercise at I Can Do It, Vancouver. This would fit in with a Native Indian theme.

6.    I share this on my blog with the whole before I communicate with the parts. I think this has to do with setting a vision in motion.

7.    I am grateful for animation that moves through me as I respect its guidance and direction.  This energetic whole is more than the sum of its parts of which I am one.
8.  Since Nancy and Reid do not know me I will ask my dear teacher Jean Houston to write an "endorsement" for me as I "pitch" my vision. All this coming through here and now. It seems so gutsy on my part to put myself out there like is because I am gutsy!


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