
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Honest Wings of Flight

Last Sunday I awoke to the words “Your writing is beautiful.” I wondered if these were the thoughts of my editor as I had just sent her my nearly finished manuscript. Today she said my writing is “invigorating.” She gave me good feedback and now I have a lot of work to do to smooth out my “strong” writing.
Years ago when I first began my spiritual journey I thought about being a Unity minister. I found it awkward, however, to talk about spirituality. Now as I begin to write my book proposal and think about Marketing and Promotion I wonder how I will talk about S/He Dragon. Spirituality and S/He are not objects or nouns—they are verbs animating me. I love to speak in the moment extemporaneously. It’s that process of letting energy flow through my house of Being activating my unconscious and conscious minds and expressing through my emotional, mental and physical body. This is S/He Dragon.
In Nature Spirit Medicine apprenticeship class we are asked to identify and write personal values. I cannot do this as a mental exercise. I have to listen for them to speak to me. In other words I listen to my unconscious mind where the Sacred Feminine resides. Two values, Honesty and Freedom, rose up. Today another one speaks. This is the way it is for me and I think it is so because of my lack of outside in education and training. These days, however, I am interested in information about this world. Which reminds me: My editor says that I am a strong writer and need support with connectivity. Such is the story of my life! How do I connect my inner story with the outer world? How do I connect myself? Writing and promoting a book is the answer and I ride that learning curve.
I notice that I am enlivened by responding to other people’s outreaching light beams on Facebook. Marianne Williamson is a good example. Her posts are substantial in Light beam flow. I get the sense/see the image of orbs “refracting” Light orb to orb. This shining will “save” humans from extinction. (I looked up the definition of refraction and reflection and I will go with the word that came up for me even though I do not understand the linear definition) It’s the only thing that will so it’s critical to heal one’s fragmented self and re-member why we are here on this precious soil and once re-membered to work to protect this soil. Our homework here on Earth is rise up out of self-centeredness.
I have some things to say about two men who approached me telepathically. I blocked one and hissed at the other. But I have decided to say no more than this as I’m tired of telling this story over and over again. So, if they refuse to change I will! I don’t feel safe with these men. Deep honesty is what activated my wing chakra. So it is always a question as to how much do I say. Here, now I’ve decided to be honest from a new angle.
I am enjoying listening to Clarissa Estes Pinkola’s Women Who Run with the Wolves tapes while writing my book. I would love to tell dragon stories!  We’ll see what unfolds through S/He as I continue to listen. Often there are silent spaces… how does on market and promote through that? So many unknowns so I simply stay in the moment.


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