
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Transformational Politics Soul to Soul

I was reminded that it was the plump red beans that spoke to me from their clear jar. A Transition Woodinville member had given me some of her saved seeds and they grew happily in my garden. The green beans in the freezer also wanted recognition. Yes, you grew well and now you nourish physical bodies. Nothing is taken for granted in the Circle of Life’s harvest. Today I pulled myself away from writing and started to put my garden to bed for the winter. I pulled up old vines and pitched horse manure. Next I will sheet mulch and add compost and valley soil. 

Sacred geometry connects dots creating ley lines, dragon lines. I was at my boys’ house standing at their kitchen sink when their grandmother’s face came into mind’s eye. She is the one who hired me after they moved here from the East and she is the one who passed away a month later. From then on I became the family’s care taker…first her husband who got well and let me go and now her two grandsons. The six-year-old joined me in the kitchen and blurted out, “We found a heart rock on the beach.” The rock was sitting on the shelf above the stove and it was a perfectly carved heart …beautiful. I blurted back, “That rock is from your Grandmother.” This was a connecting of dots…this was sacred geometry…ley lines, dragon lines soul to soul. 

Last night I was working on a chapter about the 8th Human Unity Conference held at the University of British Columbia in 1981. That was a life changing event for me. It’s where I first heard Marilyn Ferguson speak and learned about her book The Aquarian Conspiracy. A book that became my bible because of its comprehensive and holistic content. I also loved her Brain/Mind Bulletin that helped me understand my intuitive self. I took a break and reached for my phone to check Facebook posts. Marianne Williamson had posted so I commented about the Power of Politics chapter in The Aquarian Conspiracy. This, too, was sacred geometry in motion. 

We swim in Soul Soup that swirls in spirals moving us in flow. We relate soul to soul through dimensions of multiple realities. All the parts want to participate in the Celestial Song; all the parts are consciously recognized for their contribution to this Dance of Life. Human consciousness can offer this “thanksgiving” and is why our bodies of matter do matter.  Are we the only species that is conscious? Are we the only species designed to download Light to upload it intelligently? Isn’t this what plants do in their unique way?
And so it is, I look at a jar of plump red beans and in one mystical moment they speak to me of their cosmic connection and their song brings in the song of others in my garden. Songlines!

And so it is, I appreciate Marilyn Ferguson and have the opportunity to speak on her behalf. Her contribution to the whole continues to be valid. Let’s not forget those who have gone before. Let’s remember Soul to Soul.

Members of the Transition Woodinville core have moved on to do other work. One of the women, who is now on our city council, reached out to a few of us inviting us to a “meet up” at her house.  I took The Aquarian Conspiracy to share. One woman read some of the Right Power section but didn’t have a response. Another woman set it aside. There was no interest. When the hostess asked what projects we could work on locally on I suggested banning plastic bags. Her comment was, “That’s not important.”  I saw from this meeting that I speak a different language. Perhaps I need to attend a local church to find souls more aligned and who want to take local action. I think I might start posting Marianne’s Facebook comments on the Transition Woodinville website.  I want to keep local Transition alive as long as I live here and I want “transformational” politics to be broadcasted.


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