
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Avatar Crown

Late last week I hit turbulence and was thrown off course. It felt like an “avatar” wrinkle in time. I was not my cheerful and peaceful self. I was dark, even angry for no reason. I felt pressure in my physical heart as if it was being tugged by an outside force. Who or what is at the other end? Sometimes it’s a challenge coping with these unknown pressures and that’s when tears flow. This time there was a friend to talk to and she suggested that I didn’t need to know. That afternoon smiles and outreaching energy started to return.

Yesterday morning after I awoke I was scanning my radar screen and saw an open round, red wound with a V tap root going down deep. I used white light medicine to work the wound. A scab formed. I then sensed a black turban and asked who was wearing this garment. Again I used my healing medicine since I was not getting any indication of intent. Then I saw a green dragon in the distance with something in its hands. I moved closer to see what the object was—a golden crown was placed on my head. I am still very emotional. Something large is happening and I don’t know what it is. Another friend told me she had a similar sensing about something dark and that it was followed in three days by an earthquake.

I thought about the “ring of fire” this morning. Gaia needs to vent pressure from the depth of her core. Are humans here to assist in that process? Is that the purpose of e-motion, energy in motion? Does emotion move to sustain equilibrium of matter? How do we do that individually and collectively? The first step is through honesty and in that substance we receive guidance.


  • At December 17, 2013 at 8:02 PM, Blogger CarmanQ said…

    Lots of messages and symbols coming at us. The weather may be rough before we reach the calm waters of Snug Harbor. I have been kind of all over the place with my moods lately but I find balance through physical work, my lover, our pets, and my friends. It appears January will roll out amazing change for all people on the planet. Ecstasy and chaos will likely co-exist for awhile. Lettuce hold onto our hats!


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