
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Amazing Maze

I had that recurring maze dream this morning. This time I made new choices. It was at an event to hear Lord Martin Cecil with the Emissaries of Divine Light. I didn't leave the site to go look for something forgotten or lost; I was hungry but knew that I was okay being hungry; my male partner and I were split up, he in the upper section me below, and there was no concern; I looked for my woman friend using logic and went around the maze section by section to locate her; I found her and other friends joined us. I decided I didn't want to be there any longer so I woke up!

Emotion took over and I registered for I Can Do It in San Jose. I am conscious of the reason: to celebrate with my spiritual family this Sacred Solstice and New Year 2014. As I am conscious of the spiritual substance present. One can plan and then e-motion, energy in motion, shifts ones plans.  Such is life in the Light of Love.


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