
Monday, December 23, 2013

Mother Nature

After writing for several hours last Friday night I decided, at midnight, to check emails. Reid Tracy had sent information about proven ways to profit by being an author. One way is for your book to be made into a movie reminding me that a week or two earlier impressions came through of just that…S/He Dragon, a movie! I felt/considered that at the time and thought why not? My story has had a profound impact on me…why not others? I’m not sure where that movie impression came from as it was “out of the blue” and not something I mentally transmitted, or an intention I set. There was a voice somewhere in my echo chamber that said not to be too confident about my book. And then I see/hear Wayne Dyer and Louise Hay teachings about positive thinking and I let potentiality fill in space. I’m grateful that I’ve learned to be/have been transmuted to be resilient in this way. Is not “resilience” consciousness?

I continue to fill in my S/He Dragon story with description and orientation that my editor says is needed. I notice that I say in one sentence what others say in one page. The challenge is I have been and continue to be in my Light Body and don’t always have language for this world. Can’t others read my mind and the negative space in between the words? No! My editor does give me kudos when I write sensory detail and explain “concepts.” I am not going to “explain” in a linear way, however, that is not who I am nor is it my story.

12/23 morning dreams: I am intoxicated with happiness and in the dream associate it with Buddha Belly. I share spiritual teachings with several men, there is good rapport. In air I see clouds that open in front of me...again and again. I set the intention to see beyond the clouds and a mountain scape with orange tone opens. Am I seeing from a space craft? I open my eyes further and see more; I open them again and see more…I open my eyes even more but now they open in this reality and I wake up.

I am writing chapter samples for my book proposal due April (I am on schedule…yay!). I want to share Chapter 1 and asked myself why. The reason is Love. Not only is Chapter 1 my foundation of Love as a young child, the writing has been a work of Love, and the sharing of it an expression of Love. Ripples of love move out from my core opening like the dream clouds.

Chapter 1                  Mother Nature

Growing up I was held by two different mothers. One held me on her lap imprinting my young brain on Mother Goose nursery rhymes; the other held me in the woods imprinting me on Nature. On mother’s lap I felt comfort and in Mother Nature’s woods I felt alive. Both gave me a sense of home.

Through changing seasons in the Puyallup woods and changes in my personal development Nature had been the primary relationship that fed all my senses. I tasted her sweet berries; smelled her wet spring and dry summer; heard her voices of wind, rain, thunder and lightning; saw her colors change; and felt her under my feet, over my head and in my hands as I used her generous gifts for my imaginary outdoor world. She did not withhold emotion in fact she was a constant expression of dynamic energy in motion and I enjoyed her company. I would not forget her for I was part of her. I never thanked her in a mental way. I did thank her by running into her arms and joyfully playing in her gracious love.


  • At December 28, 2013 at 6:47 PM, Blogger CarmanQ said…

    "Ripples of love move out from my core opening like (the?) dream clouds."

    - beautimus!

    Very much enjoyed the opening two paragraphs, too. Maybe add a semi-colon after: "She did not withhold emotion..."


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