
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Grid Healing

I put gas in my car. Ten minutes later my mind was blank…did I put gas in my car? I feel as if I am floating out the open space of netting. I wonder how I can hang on to the cords/netting to stay grounded in this linear realm?

When my pH is in balance I want refreshing, moist foods such as salads, cucumbers, citrus fruits. When I am out of balance I want dry and sweet foods. 

Depriving myself of any food does not work for me. So, I move forward with the intention of enjoying all taste sensations—in balance.

I am “engaged” in new relationships. One is Robin Alexis at Mystic Radio. On Sunday’s program she responded to a call in request with words and action of “sweeping of angelic netting.” My body perked up. When she said it again my body engaged in total agreement. Then when she did a clearing with specific numbers/quadrants on a grid my body experienced agreement as never before. It was as if my grid body lit up impacting her words. It was powerful and purposeful. I like this new healing grid work with Robin.

Last year I was engaged in relationships that are no longer active. Why? I attribute it to a lack of life being breathed into them. Relationships are sustained through two way flow of healthy netting. So many relationships in my life have come and gone. Life is a flowing river taking me ever onward with new sights, sounds and relationships. Relationships have their own pH balance through giving and receiving of nutrients.


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