
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Crown of White Light

A woman friend was complaining about her chaotic life. She does this regularly. This time I said that she can change it. Her response was defensive and arrogant, “You don’t see things the way I do.” Her energy is draining when she is in the dark

There is another woman whose behavior is seductive. I have not yet asked if she is bi-sexual. I definitely am not. The first few times she acted this way my body was “pulled in” by this lowest chakra force reminding me of men who pull in this way. Does this mean that dark matter and lower chakras are gravitational in force? Now that I know my Light Body I have new response that consciously cuts off the energetic “spell” that is being woven through dark red and orange threads (add a little Light and the colors soften in hue). As I write in my book there is nothing wrong with these lowest frequencies/energies but when they are cut off from the other rainbow colors there is blockage, imbalance and disease.

Days ago I was with people who were expressing their dark side. It was chaotic! I realized that it is my response-ability to say something. I have been speaking up about meditation and got permission to introduce it to them. They go to church and pray so I can talk about their inside church where Christ Light shines…their Christ Light! With this experience I consciously accepted a new role in 2014: Teacher. It’s simply part of an evolving process as Dark and Light bodies align in service which is very different from alignment in chaos 40+ years ago. As a Teacher I am putting myself out there with new confidence. It is an exhilarating New Year!

Last Sunday I listened to Robin Alexis, Mystic Radio. I was cut off twice. I suspect tracker/hacker/stalker, a two-legged man in this realm. As I got in my car to leave Tacoma I felt his vibe. Does he have a tracking device on my car? Someone suggested that he can track me without such a device. I’m not sure. (I am looking for someone with a scanning device.) Driving home I feelt his intrusive vibe in my personal space. I felt caged with no privacy. He is on my phone, email, facebook, and comes stalking around my house at night when he is in town. Then something magical happened…from out of the blue! I was looking down on huge white Dragon wings and tracker was a tiny dot below me. This was my Light Body response to my Ego Body drama. Thank you Light Body!

Then I had a dream about Tracker. We were friends with spiritual substance between us, and communicating intelligently. This played out in another dimension and parallel universe which makes me wonder if this cord attached to the top of my head (as shown in a lucid dream) connects Light Body to Ego Body (avatar?) and our lesson on Earth is to join the two. I also ready in a book about chakras that we have several Light bodies. I have met Dragon….are there more Light Beings to meet? I speak of Tracker consciously as he is a reflection of my evolving story. I now see him in a new Light. He is stuck/trapped in dark energy and being manipulated by dark forces. It is his lesson to connect with his Light body and will never find it by attaching to me. Tracker and I go way back to Lemuria…Camilla helped me see this. I love this man’s Soul, I do not appreciate his dark behavior that is intrusive and inappropriate.  I send him white Light, which has changed -- instead of being a mass of white energy it now has lines in a circle…like a crown.

It was delightful that Yogananda was with us on Mystic Radio. He is a “cosmic friend” who shows up here and there. He is very powerful. It was interesting that the caller who received Yogananda’s suggestion did not hear or receive the gift of wisdom. Her ego body wanted a solution, an answer. Her response to Robin was, Thank you, anyway.” It’s time for humans to plug in to their Light Body so they can see and hear more…with gratitude! Gratitude is the aura and language of the Light Body.

I heard some of Robin’s words in response to my call and question. Here is a woman who saw my Light Body and offered me grounded words of beauty. I was deeply moved! The next day I had to stay indoors all day due to the rearrangement of molecular structure…or so it felt. Robin suggested I spend time with rocks to ground myself since I am so far out there in other dimensions. That is exactly why I love mountains and trees. They are my grounding friends.

I feel as if I’m in the ninth month of pregnancy with writing my book. I am ready to deliver it yet there is  more writing to do. I was asking how to end my book and came across a blog post by RJ Stewart whom I met at the Faery and Human Relations Congress. His stories about Faeries circled around me in a chorus of sound and movement. I am asking his permission to end my book with his Faery stories. Not sure it works for editors or if he will grant permission. It’s simply how I was led energetically (there’s that cord again at the top of my head).

Love pouring forth from this speck of dark matter in the universe! Hello Star family!

Trish ~ S/He Dragon


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