
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Dawning of Soul

Dawn dream:  In a room with a couple people, looking for my basket. I start to get frustrated not finding it. Then I remember it’s in the next room so I go through a connecting door. This room is more frilly and decorative. (There was an observer present that knew this dream was about brain function. Is this observer an avatar? Is this what that crown chakra cord or light beam is about and is this associated with gyroscope?) I find my basket. This was another dream about going to hear Lord Martin Cecil, Emissaries of Divine Light, speak. Also, another dream with the face of my ex-husband, and feelings of love for him. Interesting how love can flow between realities…are these realities accessed through brain frequencies? Light takes us into new territory.” The deeper I dive, the higher I fly,” is my ongoing mantra.

Tracker toxins at dawn. His e-motion, energy in motion, gives him away when he wants attention and not. I now see that I pick up his emotion via East/West grid “scanner”; that “I’ is a range of brainwaves that tracks him in diverse terrain. Tracker's presence in my field informs me of my evolution in Light.

Emotion, dark or light, is an honest expression of what is spewing in subconscious and unconscious minds. People who are mentally ill act out honest emotion from a grid, an aura, with holes. Obama declares 2014 as a year of action. I declare it as a year of soul retrieval, re-membering our missing parts. The current title of my book is S/He Dragon ~ retrieval of soul

Cords from yesterday’s dream were at my knees and below. For years my ankles were locked, I was so glad when I could flex them. I still am not fully comfortable going down stairs nor do I have good balance between head and feet. Lately I’ve sensed a lifetime where I fell down stairs. Could it be that these cords are/were past life attachments, traumas? I’m also getting that humans are angels who have lost their wings; angels are humans who have lost their feet. That’s a fun way to look at it! 

Light is healing power guiding our way in darkness of subconscious and unconscious terrain. We do this inner work through honesty, forgiveness, patience. This is not a surface journey. It’s time to go deep into darkness.

There was and is a species that uses their whole brain. On earth that species was interfered with by another species, left brained, machine like. Their domination has gotten us to where we are today. We have forgotten our true nature as both intuitive and logical. We have turned away from Nature and the Sacred Feminine. This other species awaits our re-turn. These are my people. “What does that mean?” I ask. It means that my ancestors have wings of Light. Is that not true for everyone? “Of course it is,” bounces back.


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