
Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Heart Day

It’s Valentine’s Day and my book proposal is complete, now I mail it to my editor. This process has grounded me in my brain and I am so happy that I have actually enjoyed doing the linear research and writing! I have a new left brain!!  

The competitive analysis was the final piece as I listed a few books that paved the way for S/He Dragon. Spiritual books build spiritual substance in human consciousness and assist our evolution as increasing Light moves through matter. What will frequencies look like, sound like when all resonate with Light? Will dark matter evolve into Light? This is not my vision. I hold vision of ShangraLa where I live in a Garden of Eden here on Gaia. I like the seasons and diversity of emotional colors—Goddess is one of the faces I wear. What will matter look like when purified? Maybe we call it Fae. Maybe Fae is my Ancestor?

Listening to Robin Alexis on Mystic Radio Wednesday my body resonated again with her “sweeping net” grid work in response to a listeners question. When she included “stars” waves of emotion rose up. The emotion is a yearning for star connection. As I write I am emotional with tears. Wednesday’s emotion emanated from heart and solar plexus feeling like equator. Does that mean middle ground, middle earth? The sky holds great mystery as I am called to look up, okay, I hear… “hook up”.

My brain is not like other Earthling brains that I know, which does make me a misfit. (I think of Jean Houston the day she responded with elemental force when I said I felt like a misfit. I continue to be thankful for her force.) I have a human body and ego so I have to learn how to function in this world with this alien brain. In my book proposal’s promotion section I compare my story to Avatar:  Avatar is a movie that resonates with S/He Dragon, but in reverse:  S/He Dragon is an alien mind in a human body living in many worlds; whereas Avatar is a human mind in an alien body living in two worlds.

I continually see how my brain is different. This week a friend suggested I share “techniques”. I don’t resonate with techniques. I am in the moment letting Light move me. Will this fit into a larger world? In my book I mention that someone said I could tell them how to do shamanism. My immediate response was, I don’t do shamanism—shamanism does me. We are moved by Light; we don’t replicate it. Reminds me of Monsanto and those who try to play Creator. Be Co-Creator!!

My ego body has blind spots, flaws. At the tip of a triangle I get an alert when I am off balance. Sooner or later I get the message and work to make appropriate adjustments. It’s like a mirror where I see myself and I seem to have assistance from that “star source” deep in space. Maybe it’s my soul mate and sol mate. Maybe I am a crystalline being “lining out” through the cosmos. I think each human being is a crystal of divinity. Our work is to return to source. I want to do that in my Earth Body!


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