
Friday, February 7, 2014

Light Workers

This image with radiating lines is like the blast that lifted me off my bed recently.

I am working on the Marketing Analysis for my book proposal and researched the most popular books the past 10 and 50 years. The Autobiography of a Yogi showed up. I have encountered powerful Paramahansa Yogananda a couple of times and consider him a cosmic friend. The evolution of my story / book has had several titles: The Language of the Sacred Feminine, The Language of the Sacred Feminine and Masculine, The Language of S/He, S/He Dragon ~ the light body, S/He Dragon ~ retrieval of soul. I considered the spiritual aspects of my life and see that I shape shift as Goddess, Shaman and Mystic. I asked, “What do all these have in common?” The answer: “Light.” So the latest title of my book S/He Dragon ~ Autobiography of a Light Worker will speak to those interested in Goddess, Shamanism, Mysticism, Spirituality, Quantum Physics, Enlightenment, Religion, Metaphysics, Science Fiction, etc.

I will write a Cooperative Analysis rather than a Competitive Analysis. Spiritual work (and books) is not competitive. Light builds substance in the parts and uplifts the whole. There can never be too many books on spirituality. Humans are starving for soul food whether the individual knows it consciously or not. There is no other book with my story although there are other people who have their own Light Worker stories which, I now see, as my second book. This idea was inspired by the stories about fairies by RJ Stewart. He did not respond to my request to include his excerpts in my book and yet, his Faery stories continue to speak to me. There are several people I know whom I’d like to feature in a book about Light Workers and life on the "other side."

Regarding promotion I am eager to speak to audiences because of the fire in my belly, eyes, ears, mouth, skin--every pore. I am ready to radiate in a larger field through radio and a blog where I, and the Light that supports me, can answer people’s questions. I like responding to people on FB and want to explore what that could look like. I will support broadcasting good news int a supportive role, not one where I am the "talking head" expert. Light is the expert and flows through all matter. I want to bring that out. And, yes, I am no longer shy about saying that I see my story as a movie. My capacity has enlarged once again and with it new “gutsy” vision and action.

This pours hot off that which presses in on me. Which is why I blog now. Something is thinning in my brain-body and I have to be deliberate about grounding details otherwise I forget as life flows like water under a bridge.

Dawn dream: I was with people in rooms with wild animals. I sat and waited for large, hungry polar bears to walk into the room. If I stayed calm the white bears would ignore me. It was as if I was invisible. It reminds me of Faery Realm and their sacred space in the same room with humans. They vibrate at a different frequency and though many sense them not everyone can see them. This is changing.


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