ChiFull Dragon
Earth, I Am,
is “sacrificial lamb.” I sacrifice that which no longer serves me in fire of
purification. I Am my own fire.
I manage
food intake and pulse of activity in a new way. I can no longer survive living
old ways. I sacrifice Earth substance as I learn new pathways, patterns. I
learn to thrive.
How do I
change? Externals help: information, techniques, and goals.
New information
comes in: I swim in an ocean of Chi. I can regulate this lubricating substance.
It starts at the top of my head and pours out my temples. I can extend chi outward
and downward. It’s fairy dust as I move it from my head down the sides of my
body and out my hands. It’s a colorful waterfall of charged substance that
builds rather than depletes. It’s a chi-fall of energetic force. I move it
chi-fully! This substance sooths, calms fire as it turns within itself,
containing fire. It’s a union of forces.
I may be
creating a habit pattern of waking up to post on Facebook in response to
others’ posts. I am aware I am “flooding” my community with “shares.” So far no
one has complained directly. I am “fed” by these community responses and I feed
in response. Yesterday FB interaction revealed new information. References to
higher Self revealed to me that men I interact with in dreamtime represent my
masculine Self! I had dreamed of relating with a younger man. I offered
spiritual teachings, he offered affection. As we embraced in goodbye he said
that he was sending $$$$. That made me happy, relieved. That is my He! I could not ground and be productive
in this realm without Him. She would still be floating in intuitive space if it
wasn’t for Him. It is this S/He substance I now recognize as Chi.
I am, We are, Chi Body. People around the world are immersed in the drama of a missing
airplane as humans cannot cooperate or communicate effectively. Blunders
persist creating increasing mistrust, grief and hostility. Ego Body is behind
this drama. Chi Body cannot function this way. It flows in transparency and
resilience. This missing plane is also focusing on all the garbage in our
ocean..I hope this gets addressed.
Life is a
moving current. There are times when emotion takes me into the future and I
make statements about future intentions. Then current changes and I let go of
the shore to keep moving. Others in Chi Body accept rather than resist for they
too, are in moving current. Those who do not accept suffer discomfort by
hanging on to the shore in fear. We are all letting go of fear as we move with new current of Chi. We now have the honor to deliver what Chi Body looks
like, sounds like, tastes like, smells like, feels like, acts like. (I’m
wondering if this energetic sensations at my temples has to do with “smell” I “got”
at Stargate? I read in a chakra book that smell is associated with Earth
man said he was sending $$$$. Chi feels like $$$$ -- abundance!
Does this
mean I take a Tai Chi or Qigong class? Maybe. It does mean that I practice this
Chi-full dance during my day. Chi is "in between," "connecting" substance of energy and matter. Chi lubricates my nerves, muscles, joints, as I wash dishes,
cook, write, garden, drive, spend time with family, work with dogs and
children, etc. Chi guides me and tempers my fire. Chi heals me.
internal support moves me out of old patterns of overeating and over doing. I
feel relieved…that same feeling that came over me in the dream about $$$$.
Support is present: Omnipresent!
I now get up
from this chair and take fresh ginger tea to the couch. I have permission to do
nothing! Soon I will do what I love to do: post on FB, write my final chapters,
and garden. I do this with full awareness of bathing in CHI. My head feels
light as does my body. In this moment I see cracks in earth filled with golden
Light. Chi wraps around my body and activities in the same way it wraps around
tectonic plates of Gaia. Our new energetic body makes its transition, linked
arm in arm. We rise above ego driven mentality and functionality. We are
resilient! We ride the currents of water, air and fire. We are Earthly Beings.
We are Earthy Angels. And we stick together in Chi!
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