Dragon Bridge
This morning I dreamed I was on the phone with a minister friend in the Mid-West. In the middle of our conversation the Earth shifted moving N to NW to W to SW. I saw it as an arc ( . There was a lot of background noise. I had to excuse myself from the call to check the effects. There were no effects in this realm. This has happened before with earthquakes and I remember because I blogged about them.
I am thinking those of us who are "wired" to intercede with these elemental forces can dissipate the energy as it downloads into dark, dense matter. Conscious Body does this work.
I devoured Robin Alexis' book Robin Song last night. I love this woman and don't even know her in this realm...though I do know her spirit. She feels like a Soul Sister. It amazes me how much pain and suffering she had to endure to be where she is today. Her husband Bob has a "Wake Up" segment on their Mystic Radio program so I've sent him copies of Transition Free Press and Dana's CD The Great Salish Sea. I am thinking perhaps he'd like to feature some local Sustainable Heroes/Heroines on their program. As I mentioned to Bob, this bridging of mystic and sustainability is not common as groups tend to be separate. I wonder if this could even work. We are all grouped according to culture and comfort zones. Can we not unite and create a larger zone of collective sustainability...through bridge of Heart and Soul?
"Intercessory prayer takes place in this spiritual world where the battles for our own lives, our families, our friends and our nation are won or lost."
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