
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Grandmother Cottonwood

Early in the Earth Day Spring Sustainability panel discussion Dr. Jean Houston was mentioned regarding her contribution to the “larger story.” I am thinking about Jean these days as I am nearly ready to send her my S/He Dragon manuscript. Schedule permitting she has kindly offered to write the foreward. May 7 is a significant day for those of us who submitted Book Proposals to Hay House. Part of me feels that its harvest time and the many seeds I’ve planted are coming to fruition. Another part of me is aware of the many seeds that went a totally different direction than what I thought. One thing I know: Life is full of surprises and the only place to be is at the center of the current/river. May 7 will definitely be the end and the beginning of a new cycle.

I harvested nettles yesterday and visited an old friend, Grandmother Black Cottonwood. I wanted to take our picture and noticed the lines in my face were similar to the fissures in Grandmother Cottonwood. Being in the North of my life as an Elder I get to join others as we adjust to the changes in our bodies. For me the changes are most noticeable via skin. Other changes include the lack of pain in my knees, shoulder and neck as well as my thumb--much better now that I’m letting dishes and housework go and working in the garden for 2 hours maximum. I’m also taking an herbal tincture and adding turmeric to my meals. Aging is natural and when I asked S/He Dragon about this topic S/He says that she is proud of her scales, wrinkles and wounds that give her life story dimension


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