
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Transition 2.0 ~ The Film

I didn't have a business plan when I ordered 250 Transition Free Press newspapers. I fly by the seat of my....kundalini! 

Four people said they would be sponsors but have not followed through as yet. I am reaching out to local Transition Towns and asking if they have shown the film Transition 2.0.  This will be the perfect venue for circulating TFP.  Perhaps I will purchase the film so that I have two Transition tools for my garden!  

I value Transition because it gives me an opportunity to bridge inner and outer Transition. I am eager to engage people in Transition because of this local and global network!

I am working with a couple people here and there who are responsive and that makes all the difference. People are lethargic...they need some fire under them! I am ready to deliver that! 


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