
Friday, May 2, 2014

Rainbow Rising

I am sensitive to red and orange sexual energy. Last night Pitbull performed on a music award show. His song lyrics exploit women and the women who dance for him exploit themselves. I am not a prude and in the right circumstances can feel sexually erotic. I enjoy these physical sensations like any healthy human being. However, blatant sexual exploitation is out of balance and needs to be addressed. Why? Because people are numb to it. People think this level of sexual expression and experience is their identity and that it will bring them fulfillment. In S/He Dragon I refer to this red/orange domination as brainwashing and that I, like everyone else, was born into it.

News media wonders why the world is not responding to Nigeria's kidnapping story of 200+ female teenage students. Because women and girls are exploited world wide. Women are objectified and used by men. Media and music industry are responsible for feeding us this diet of lower chakra stimulation. Where are the boundaries? Where is the cry of injustice? Where is the call for respect of the most sacred act--union of male and female through energy and matter?

The only way this issue is going to be "transfused" (I looked within for an image and word) is through raising vibration. How do we do that?  Woman by woman, man by man. It's a chemical process in brain body when one becomes aware there is more to life than lower chakra stimulation. Can we let go of the old and step into something new?

What are these images and song lyrics doing to our children? Feeding the same self-destructive behaviors and false illusion. We must invite people into a new experience with green Heart of Compassion, blue throat of Transparent/Pure Communication, turquoise Wings of Transcendence, silver Eye of Seeing, white Crown of Knowing? This teaching is sacred responsibility.


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