
Monday, May 5, 2014

Shake, Rattle and BE Happy

On Saturday my body picked up something intense moving. I felt pressure around my head and had to sleep—until Noon! I sensed/saw a scenario play out regarding the publication of my book. It was not positive so I detached, I let go. Doors are opening regarding showing the film Transition 2.0 and circulating Transition Free Press. I ride the currents of water, wind and fire.

250 Transition Free Press newspapers were delivered to my doorstep. I looked at them and wondered how in the heck I was going to circulate them.  A few minutes later I saw my rattle on the table and rattled around my head and body. When I looked at those newspapers again I was positive and with this energy was a host of support above my if all rattles were with me! It made me happy and humble....interesting how these two are connected!  Thinking about it now I guess this has to do with happiness pouring in rather than happiness pouring out. Which one comes first?  That makes me chuckle! Is not a Shaman one who is giddy with happiness? Shake, rattle and be happy!


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