
Saturday, September 6, 2008

Evol and Evil

Tracker uses technology to get information and to know another persons thoughts, activities and plans. This gives him a sense of control and power over another. He lights up at this power. How do I know? I feel it from him. It's quite sick. He uses computers to track emails and he uses GPS devices to know where one's car is. In the process he is being tracked because his energy is sound vibration.

Tracker patterns on externals and has no sense of vibrational attunement. If he put as much time and energy into his families and community as he does into his secret and deceptive life there would be more light in this world.

Tracker holds patterns of immature ego. The personality traits are easily recognized. Stubborness is one.

Tracker thinks his scouting and stalking skills can be applied in any realm. They cannot. In the physical realm where I live as a woman stalking is illegal...a crime. Laws are in place to protect women and being a tracker and scout is no excuse to harrass women in any realm.

This ground is holy. No one will intrude without an invitation. This applies to the individual female body and the collective Feminine Body. Force field is in place and you will not enter.

Tracker lives in the past thinking sparks and flame will reappear. They burned out long ago and time has come and gone bringing around a new cycle of energy. Those who refuse to move with it in resilience will be left behind...extinguished. Such is the law of Evol.

That which is and those who are stuck in past pattern is Evil.


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