
Friday, April 15, 2011

Fire vs Stagnation

The fiery entanglements that were moving in some relationships have lifted. It feels like a cease fire. Something in my body is not interested in engaging with fire. Not sure if it will come around again. If it does it will not be the same because we have all learned something new about relationship and relating face to face in alignment. Did we push through old wiring of stagnant patterns and create something new?

The line with central fire rn recent drum journey reminded me of spine and the nerves that are associated. My nerves feel more calm. Something has changed for now. Only time will tell what the larger picture is. As a cell and spark in quantum land and sea I know from within and in my environment. Change moves in one whole reverberating field.

I awoke to image of web/matrix with dark positive space and light negative space. The dark lines were sticky reminding me of Frog medicine in my recent drum journey. New relationship opens between these two fields.

The spaceyness in my head/brain has lifted and I feel more like my energetic self. I am aware that sometimes this pressure has to do with orbs that I am connected to. Just as we hold each other lightly in space so do we hold each other through tension and distress. And together we move through the darkness that leads to the dawn as Gregg Braden speaks of in Fractal Time. Fire moves us through.


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