
Wednesday, April 13, 2011


As I read Fractal Time by Gregg Braden I hear his voice which has a nice effect. The book is laid out in bite size parts that are easy to digest.

Being right-brained oriented I generate my own insight from the information. I can do this because I have not studied or been trained. My brain body is open, receptive rather than filled in. Yes, I am very simple. I don’t suggest that everyone be this way. I do suggest that “scholars” include this angle of intelligence that knows through “spontaneous combustion” rather than linear and logical steps.

The right brain/body experience needs to be integrated rather than ignored/forgotten. This feminine way of being/knowing is not oriented to the past. It’s generative in Nature, it’s new. All things are NEW as I am NEW. Circles and cycles of time take us into new consciousness through living matter that is porous in Light.

The premise of the book is that the future is based on the past and moves in cycles of time. Is this not karma? And is not karma a very personal experience? Are we bound by karma? I always look at my own experience: I released a karmic cycle when I left a dead-end relationship. I released karma when I chose a spiritual path rather than a dark pattern of addiction. I continue to release karmic chains when I choose foods that are healthy and generative.

There are laws in motion beyond cycles of karma. We witness these laws because we express them/are immersed in them. Left and Right brain orientations hold one another lightly as we learn to communicate and understand our differences. We are not threatened by these differences. We relate in Love.

I had a new experience the other day that rippled softly and sweetly around me and through my core. It had to do with Transition emails and that someone cared enough to include me through the whole communication process. I saw that my presence was important to this person. Why did this have such an effect on me? Because I have been an outsider and this newness brings with it a breath of fresh air that lifts me. It feels new and good to be part of a larger body / community / family.

I look forward to reading more of Fractal Time and seeing what is generated through my orientation. This is the value of feedback loops...we learn from one another....inspired!


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