
Thursday, May 26, 2011


At an SVA meeting we sat around a large living room table and watched Ted Talks, ate food and chatted. This was the best meeting format allowing us to get to know each other. I was able to weave Heart and Soul thread thoughts with the overarching conversation. I felt a lot of love for the people around me here in my community.

Transition Woodinville is in a still space. Only two people attended the Orientation while I was out of town. We need to shift gears and not expect others to come to us. It's time to reach out and connect, network, partner.

No one has stepped up to take the Bee Resilient project ideas forward so I am doing that by contacting local beekeepers to get their ideas and hopefully buy-in for collaboration. Transition is about creating partners which I love to's a win/win.

I also woke up to the idea about speaking at the next city council meeting inviting City of Woodinville employees to watch The Economics of Happiness. And here I thought I would never speak at city councile again...such is the way of the creative cycle that is constantly turning in e-motion. Maybe I'll contact the Chamber President to see if they want to support this. Looks like my male energy has returned and yet I need to keep that in check. Stillness has highest priority....guess that translates as balance!


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