
Friday, May 20, 2011

Roof Top Yogi

Landing in Phoenix I noticed a "Sleeping Man" on the horizon much like "Sleeping Lady" in Leavenworth. He wears a headdress at the top of his head. Driving Hi 17 to Sedona I saw another man's face looking upward to sky. Faces in red rock holding space. I'm so glad I'm childlike with an active imagination that sees faces in rocks.

The first morning here in Sedona I started to meditate in my room. I was told from within to drum. Okay. Drumming I was told from within to wear my gifted necklaces. Okay, I put them on. Then I meditated. I am shy about wearing "medicine" -- it felt like a day of "coming out" and I actually did say to someone that I am a Shaman. I find it awkward to name this Life Energy that moves through me.

I received my primordial sound mantra and meditated. I discovered a still "roof" at the top of my head. When my mind wandered it was below this roof. A yogi appeared on this roof. Okay.


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