
Friday, May 13, 2011

Astral Intelligence

My green houseplants speak to me through green ethers. The cedar tree I parked next to also speaks through green ethers. We recognize and know each other via one etheric body.

Language and communication is mathematical reminding me of the golden ratio where two parts of a whole create a third part. 1 + 1 + 3. It’s triangular….a golden pyramid. Yesterday I blogged about the lack of crops at the large circle garden. This energy went out into the universe to encounter orbs of matter in space. This very action has an effect bouncing energy back allowing me to see more. This pattern happens in my individual/local brain as well as the non-local brain. Are the two one?

My conscious awareness expanded. I now see that my two circle gardens are animating different energies and expressions. One is North-like with sheet mulching that lets the soil rest and build. The focus is to clean up the circular lines and give it definition. It’s a holding space like Winter. The other garden is South-like as I nurture seeds close to the house so that the slugs and snails don’t gobble them up before they can sprout fully. Last year I had to plant several times. This year as soon as I saw the snow peas being chewed I dug them up and brought them back to the house where I can keep an eye on them. Protection of Spring so there is growth of Summer. Language and communication grounds energy and is essential to the evolution of one and all. Language and communication create grounded focus allowing the eye and I to see more.

Eye now reminds me (actually I see an Eye above the head of body) of something I wanted to say about Yogananda. Perhaps I’ve already said it. Yogananda comes through above the head, above the 7th chakra. It’s a level beyond my physical body. I’m also aware that this astral or etheric body is separate from my physical body and is what allows me to have mystical and shamanic experiences. Perhaps dreams, visions, encounters in other dimensions, holographic images and experiences, etc come through this astral body. It’s a level of my intelligence. Where do my angels reside? I know there are other levels as I learned them many years ago. Do these planes represent vibrational states of consciousness? How absurd that political “intelligence” revolves around terror and torture. This pattern must change. It is an insult to intelligence of our species!

I feel that I was too e-motional (fiery) at the Transition meeting last night. I think I may have overshadowed others in my joy and enthusiasm. It amazes me how people can be expressionless and so matter of fact (dry) without any colors (wet). And at the same time I wonder if I have too much color? It is my intention to create harmony and this lesson is ongoing. I was happy to hear others’ interest in reaching out and participating in movie nights with local Transition groups; initiating a Bee Resilient sign campaign; supporting an Antioch University permaculture project on 10 acres in our ag valley; creating a Barter and Trade group, etc. I like the action part of Transition work. I’m no longer energized about organizing and connecting the dots, the details. I think something has happened in my brain…I now have difficulty doing this kind of thinking and working at the computer. I’m so glad there is another woman in the group who is very good at this.

I was at the farm again yesterday and it felt like a healing had happened. Some layer of darkness had lifted. I felt it in the main house and in the rabbit barn that was cleaned out by one of the employees. Maybe it was the sunshine streaming in from above, maybe it was the work that three of us are doing there to help this couple restore their farm and business. One must see what is working rather than quit because one sees what is wrong. This focus on Positive Light takes one and all higher.


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