
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Her Grace

I am not as engaged in Transition Woodinville as I was. I don't want to organize or connect the dots. Perhaps I did my part to create an initial structure/skeleton. A few others are stepping up. I seem to be moving toward Heart and Soul activity and inviting people into this group. And yet it's not that pressing for me.

I continue to enjoy gardening and doing physical work. I'm building muscle after so many years sitting at a desk and communiting in a car. And I get to exercise outdoors rather than in a gym.

The farm has its challenges as I begin to wonder if I'm enabling a hoarder. And yet a mutual heart connection remains and I am able to work outside cleaning up the property.

Yesterday at the large circle garden I realized that I'm more interested in creating clean lines and open spaces than I am planting crops. It reminded me of Zen gardening and Japanese rock gardens. I simply love being in that open earth and sky space.

I am aware of Trickster hexes and spells to manipulate matter. I am also aware of pure Light deleting anything he imposes through self-centered will and mind over matter techniques. The design unfolds naturally in Her Grace.


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