
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Gifts of Imperfection

I saw this woman on TV weeks ago and related to her message:

The Gifts of Imperfection
by Dr. Brene Brown

Perfection is an addiction; it takes courage to be imperfect

It takes courage to set boundaries

I am enough

Live and love with one’s whole heart

Vulnerability is at the core of fear and shame; also the birthplace of love, joy and belonging

Shutting down vulnerability shuts down gates to joy and happiness

Authenticity is the ability to be vulnerable

Engage with the world from a place of worthiness

Own your story; tell it with all your heart

Net worth is self worth

Worthiness has no prerequisites

Be joyful, present, grateful

Choose less work and more time to do nothing and be out doors

Hardwired to experience love and belonging when we are not sick, broken and suffering

Love is not something we give or get

Love is nurtured between people when showing most vulnerable self

Belonging is not fitting in; it’s in our DNA

Innate human need to be part of something larger than oneself

Sense of belonging = sense of self worth


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