
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Kirtan with Yogananda

I received an invitation from musicians Narayan and Janet to attend their Kirtan and Participatory Music Experience at Woodinville Unity. I felt like attending and intended to network. I took brochures and flyers for Transition Rocks concert.

The kirtan turned out to be chanting and Yogananda’s book Cosmic Chants was featured. Narayan and Janet lived in an Ananda house and are very devoted to this path. They will have another concert the end of May at Lynnwood Unity. It’s been years since I’ve been to Unity Church where I began my spiritual journey so many years ago.

At one point in the music experience I felt a fluttering in my head and then a shift of vibration. Yogananda came into my awareness and I felt his surrounding presence (again). I wanted to offer him a gift so my hands came together with palms upright. I waited for something to fill in my palms. Nothing. I waited some more. Nothing. Then a white pearl appears….and then…it unfolds into a lotus. I lift it up to this spirit Being. Yogananda’s presense is strong in vibration and I experience his uplifting energy all around my head.

I was then transported to the Yogananda center and park in Southern California where I spent some time a couple of years ago when my unemployment journey began (next month it will end). I remembered the plots of trees and plants. The ocean also came back around in memory.

I had forgotten about this relationship with Yogananda Now I wonder what to do with this connection. Perhaps I’ll attend one of their meditations in Bothell. This was an unexpected Earth Day activity.


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