
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Mental Stimulation

Woke up 3:30 am with thinking brain engaged / working.

“Cease fire” has to do with a lack of negativity in thought, word and action. Old negativity is no longer dominant and in focus.

There is a layer/veil associated with dark negativity that lets Light through. The woman I was “in battle” with emailed asking why I was constantly taking jabs at her. Those jabs were my responses to her rudeness, disrespect and inappropriate behavior. I was persistent. She has changed in spite of her complaints and is more positive. I have also changed. Another man I have stood up to is also more positive and even happy. It’s as if there was a burn out of the old and a burn into new territory. Dark negativity is fertile ground when Truth of Love is sown.

“…and the time between each pause…” is how Gregg Braden talks about reading codes of fireflies in Fractal Time. This rang a bell with me. Is this not negative space? Scientists dissect matter and energy but have they studied negative space? I don’t think they can with linear mind that focuses on parts. Negative space is whole and requires a different angle of brainwave in order to see and hear its Nature. I'mnot sure how anti-matter fits into the picture. Would have to research and that takes a lot of effort for me.

I am aware that my right brain intelligence knows all at once through “spontaneous combustion.” I am also aware that another part of my intelligence, my left brain, knows through sequential time. I observe this through my blog’s communication / language. A word pops up and in time another word will support the previous word one building upon the other (the time between certain words). This process also happens with thought threads. For some reason this creative building block process reminds me of genes. I watch and listen for words via language patterns in a communication system. I also act by identifying and expressing those words thus a feminine/masculine feedback loop in motion.

I seem to be thinking more and know I am not alone in this process of new brain activity. I can use that word “thinking” now knowing that it includes emotion. I kept the two apart until now. We (many orbs in space/time) are engaged in new brain body that is pulsating with new intelligence of Life. This is very stimulating to the whole brain body.

Thanks to Gregg Braden for food for thought. Soon I will read Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire by Deepak Chopra. I love all this mental stimulation because it's now holistic! And, like magic, it arrives in the season of Spring...that fractal time turning of cycles/circles. I fill up with gratitude when I witness these seasons and my part/our part in their expression.


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