
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Bee Medicine

The film Vanishing of the Bees is a must see! Transition Woodinville hosted the film last night and some of us are inspired to write letters to the editor. Beekeepers worldwide are experiencing Colony Collapse Disorder. In France the beekeepers united, hired a lawyer and the political official banned pesticides! Transition Woodnivlle’s logo is Bee Resilient and our intention is to assist the bee community.

I was sick at my stomach when I saw how science is manipulating bees and how large bee farmers exploit their bee colonies. We kill bees through monocrops, chemical use especially systemic ones, and manipulating Nature in the name of Science. We save bees through small gardens and farms, organic methods and working with/respecting Nature.

Once again I am reminded of a force that is anti-Nature pulling us toward mechanization and technology; a force pulling us off balance. We must speak out and act out. How many have done the inner healing work to do this outer healing work in the world?

It's interesting that we had to move through some toxic territory to get to this place of saving the bees. There is something very mystical about bees. We continue to listen to the sound of their wings.


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