
Sunday, April 17, 2011


In Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire Deepak Chopra speaks my language. In the introduction I read the words “out of the blue” and knew that I was on the right track. Gregg Braden talks about “check points” in cycles of time. Words are also check points that remind me of tracking and songlines one point leading to the next. These points hold electromagnetism: fire generating sound and form: Life.

Tracking words is like tracking an animal. There are subtle energetic tracks underneath the surface and beyond the physical eye. Living in the “quantum” field one can read and live by these signs. Perhaps this is the field I refer to as negative space.

On blogs and Facebook Deepak asks good questions that stimulate my brain body to reply. I’m always delighted by what moves through my unconscious, subconscious and conscious wheels in spontaneous response. I’m delighted because it’s a letting spirit move process and I get to see what spirit has to say. (Is spirit the field I refer to as negative space? How is spirit different from quantum?) The outer questions that are asked and the answers that blossom help me to know myself. It’s like a two way mirror. Not sure what that means but that is the sense of image and the words coming through. I’m also getting that this mirroring is feedback looping. So in this moment an inner communication of looping is occurring via images and psychic sensing. I report it to track it/ground it.

Other questions and conversations are bumpy and bring different opportunities and lessons. All contact is an exchange through energy (how is energy different from quantum and negative space?) and matter. All communication takes us forward into another lesson about Truth, Love and Life which means about oneself. We can go round and round not learning or expressing anything new or we can transcend the old and fly! Sooner or later each part becomes enlightened in the larger whole thanks to a loving universe.

I see my questions about words and language. It’s not really my style to comprehend in this way. I have to “know” from within in order for something to “stick.” Frog medicine again! Is not “stickiness” also electromagnetic? What do mirrors have to do with this process? Enough questions...for now! All the questions feel like I've awakened a sleeping giant. Now what does that mean??


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