
Monday, April 18, 2011

Love In Action

I noticed my peace of mind changing from calm to agitated in two separate circumstances regarding something someone said and did. I caught the shift immediately and pulled in the reins. I changed the emotional and mental tape and behavior pattern from going anywhere.

Yesterday at the Tulip Festival with a friend I was in a quiet mood lacking outgoing fire which feels like enthusiasm. I was contemplative. All day there was an old tape running that has roots in childhood and probably in the womb from my mom’s patterns. I was self-critical: bad haircut, mousey hair color now that it’s natural, sagging this, sagging that. This self-consciousness is not Self-consciousness. As we were about to leave the gift shop I made face to face contact with a woman who works there. She immediately told me how pretty my hair was; that she had seen me earlier from a distance and thought that she’d like to look like me one day. The woman standing by her also commented about my hair color. They were both so genuine and clear. I was very grateful and told them so and that their compliments were especially kind being expressed woman to woman. Was this instant karma? Did this positive feedback change my old tape? No. I stayed in my funk until this morning when I awoke and reviewed my recent activities and their teachings. It became clear that it’s easier for me to reign in negative patterns about other people but not as easy when it comes to myself. Now I get to do my homework! It doesn’t get any closer than this inner work that revolves around love of self.

In Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire Deepak talks about soul as the all-knowing observer. I got the sense that soul is that collective of unconscious, sub-conscious and conscious knowing. I appreciate this new observation that words provide. There are other words that I am learning such as nonlocal and virtual. At one point I wondered at all this wisdom through words and language. What is the purpose of it all? In our self-discovering and self-actualizing journey we reach a point when self-healing expands to planetary healing. It’s a natural shift of gears from inner to outer; spiritual to physical; nonlocal to quantum (another new word). For me this shift was not a quantum leap but an evolving process. Perhaps when enough of us have made this shift that quantum leap will manifest in the whole. This would be reaching the “critical mass” that Deepak refers to.

My work in the world has to do with healing our soil, water, air and to change the corrupt systems that produce and sustain toxicity. We start at the grassroots level: more chickens and worm bins, farmers markets, organic produce in mainstream grocery stores, local currency, etc. We unify around these values and support systems that are sustainable. As each one listens to their hearts they find their own issues and the pathways that move them to action.


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